The libraries’ shared search engine
LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries’ joint resources. Through a single search field, you can find articles, journals, doctoral theses and books. If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or LU account to access the full texts.
You will find our subject-specific databases via Databases A–Z. Through ePublications you get a collective entry point to our e-journals and e-books. You can access these resources via your student or LU account.
Find a database via Databases A-Z
Find an e-journal or e-book via ePublications
Search in LUBsearch
If you want to find out more about LUBsearch or how to search for material, consult our guide LUBsearch & electronic resources.
Learn more about LUBsearch in the guide LUBsearch & electronic resources
E-mail: info [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: 046-222 09 90
Search both printed and electronical material, available at Lund University, at one place!
What is LUBsearch?
Watch our introduction video and read more on LUBsearch here.